Friday, April 29, 2016

Aufrecht dem Übel Entgegen

Aufrecht dem Übel Entgegen

 Gott ist nunmehr tot
Gott ist aus und vorbei
Das Leben ist zwecklos
Es ist einfach einerlei

Gott ist nur ein übler Verräter
Gott ist ständig auf der Flucht
Und ich bin hier gestrandet
In einer tödlichen Bucht

Gott kann mir hier nichts mehr geben
Gott kann nichts mehr für mich sein
Zur Hölle mit dir und deinem Gott
Mit dem Teufel hier ganz allein

Gott ist ja nur ein kleines Kind
Willkürlich, wild und narrenfrei
Handelt ohne Sinn und Verstand
In Egoismus oder Selbstkastei

Ohne Bestimmung
Ohne waltendes Herz
Nur die Erquickung
Oder der Schmerz

Gott ist eben ein Tyrann
Gewaltsam und gemein
Lässt einen im Stich
Lässt einen allein

Gott ist widerlich
Im Zusammensein
Gott frisst fast alles
Ist ein Schwein

Gott ist verloren
Das Universum lebt
Ob man kriecht, liegt
Oder auch mal steht

Gott, er kann mich doch einmal
Er kann nichts ohne mich allein
Gott kann für mich eigentlich
Nie mehr das Gleiche sein

Gott ist keine sogenannte, diese Liebe
Nicht Jesus, nicht Mohamed, nicht viel
Ist nur allenfalls eine Verdummung
Ein himmlisch teuflisches Spiel

Gott kann mich so sehr kreuzweise
Im Kreuze dieser und jener Nacht
In der Dunkelheit jeden Tages
Im Machtspiel dieser Macht

Ich bin die Macht, bin so gut wie ja alles
Ich bin haufenweise aber auch nichts
Ich bin Gott, im Null, im Neutrum
Meines inneren Gleichgewichts


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Fish in the Sea

Fish in the Sea

Let me just tell you that I love you
Let me love you for at least some now
Let me live the thrill of anticipation
Some here, some there, somehow

Lead me gently to the certain place
Where I truly ever will be weakly strong
Through your cryptic ocean of benevolence
All absent, the provoking and wanted way along

You have kissed me slightly in my soul 
Ignited a lovely fire to gently exude still astray
Guide me but yet with your tenderness right apart
To what might not be or perchance even may

Let me honor you and let me enthrall you
Meanwhile, you consider other stars all that true
And I am in this visceral primal oh feeling of arousal
That’s sprung from somewhere and is linked to you

You disarm me and I’m melting away and back
In the memory of the warmth of your mellow smile
You have made happen to be a nagging eternity
A single, short, for you minuscule while

Life self-fulfills its own rum prophecy
Like a golden snail spreads down or ashore
Whilst unraveled yet remaining a prodigy
Either to hate or even rather adore

Let me sense, revel and relish the genius part
Of present resistance dwelling to be carried through
Pulsating in the substantial power of delay
Pulsating here waiting for you

Neither be afraid, my harmony
Nor anywise differently insecure
Liberty leads the right aspects
Now and forever be sure

HC_B - 06 /02 /15
[19:25 PM]    

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Focus & Effort

Focus & Effort

Silence of ignorance
You’re doing me a mite wrong
You burden me with your weakness
Whereas I have to and used to be strong

I am longing for me to get a sleep
But my mind keeps me waking
My feelings are harmed
Hurt by mistaking

I’ve been brave, you know, I’ve been pretty fine
Enthusiastic, but noble-minded and quixotic
As good as in the minds of one's limitation
Chaotic even eke some neurotic

Fairly and squarely I’ve treated you
Straight-shooting honestly nigh unto now
But any old how you got the wrong end of the stick
Misinterpreted me frigging somewhen, why and somehow

I may have overloaded you occasionally in fact
But nothing but, because you’ve unexplainedly locked
There’s no such ground to end inside of human or any being
Whence behind such-and-such iron curtain angst-ridden you cocked

You put the saddle on the wrong horse as here so to say
For being little weak, little anxious and a little small
Opting for the flight to the elusive comfort zone
Being scared out of your skin and that’s all

What could the world have gained with the right handle of potency
With a licit personal forward-looking and massive hybridization
What could have been the richly gift of yet "Let's do it again"

I know my lessons I do have to learn, don't you?
I may have loved you, I'm very sorry, to some death
But unconditionally, I swear a, “I never meant to” oath
“Knocked up” without any more great hilarious breath

I’m not afraid of intimacy, without port now, ok, any more
Or rather and better really unconditioned, if there is love
Whether to loose nor to win, I’d rather be such an idiot
Than a pigeon without an unfailing sky up above

There’s more solid sensation to give in this inscrutability of existence
Than no better as such a romantic sense datum without a datum
Responsibility bounds care to everyone by hook or by crook
A tiny piece of anything makes a universe and an atom

Life doesn’t impose square for us spin all around
No, life is round 'n' we square it all the closer
GOD is not a fine figure of a planner
GOD is a bloody COMPOSER

HC_B - 11/02/15
[0:13 am/ 12:58 pm]

Friday, April 22, 2016

Ghost Town Blues

Ghost Town Blues

I feel horrible, I feel exhausted
I feel my heart is in such great pain
I feel no headway in all this motion
I feel perverse, peculiar and insane

My heart quite nearly explodes
Alarming, confusing and depressing
Don't know what for or where or when
But I still go further on blind guessing

No help, no being
No, no another side
Extremely nothing
Wider and wide

Hardly know if I should move
Should I beware or should I care
If I'm not here, I'm surely not there
Not at all existing, here or anywhere

I'm a messed up one
How weird, what a pity
I'm an alien of this life
A ghost in a left city

My face is burning
Touching atmosphere
Oh, could you be with me
Oh, could you be here

HC_B - 18/08/04
[3:30 PM]

O Tempo

O Tempo

O tempo
Com o vento
As vezes em frente
As vezes atras
As vezes dentro
As vezes surpreende tempestade
Salva vida
Salva verdade

O tempo
Na locura
Fora do mundo
Perto da lua
No outro espaço
Na sua doçura

HC_B - 16/11/97
[10:00 AM]

Thursday, April 21, 2016

No Night before Dawn

No Night before Dawn

Can you see me
This little homely me
Poor and lonesome
As one can be

A firestorm
Around my neck
The desert's calling
For one more wreck

Empty rooms
In empty spaces
Fading memories
Trite fading faces

Empty hearts
Desires and love
Empty blue skies
There high above

Don't want to die
Beyond a real smile
 No, don't want to cry
Walking that mile

God give me happiness
To cover my weary bones
God give me some peace
After too many homes

Let me gladly wake up
With the sun on my face
Blood in all my heart
Power and grace

Open that door
I'm quite longing for
And long before daylight
Ain't be no night there anymore

HC_B - 19/11/08
[10:45 PM]

Facing Liberty

Facing Liberty

Sitting in a backyard
Sun is leaving and coming
Would like to stay now 'n' here
But I can not stop running

It's a kind of obsession
It's a kind of heaven 'n' hell
A case of being some crazy
And of knowing me well

Devil is doing good work
Devil is cheating right on me
God can't help it, I can help it
Hell, thank God, I'm free

I'm facing obscure dark
Straight to the rotten why
Remembering good life
My Goodness, WHY

Damned missing of COULD BE
Damned thinking of SHOULD BE
Cannot bear to fail once ever again
I miss ME here, I miss my MAN

I need to respect HIM
I'm longing for salvation
I'm a bad doing farmer
For my own creation

Being this all so confused
That desert drowning sucks
Love is not simply a game
It's dealing with locks

Can't afford those  risks
Any further, any more
Devil has got me
God, it's war

HC_B - 28/08/01
[4:00 PM]

Rarely True

Rarely True

I feel so young
I feel daunting small
I feel a thousand doubts

That's what it feels like
That's what it feels like
IN, not through

Wondering above
Like a crying dove
LONELY too, so
Deeply blue

HC_B - 29/12/97
[1.30 AM]

Point of No Return

Point of No Return

I'm on the point
Of no more return
Hope that I can win
Hope that I can earn

The sight is bad
The weather rough
The tank goes blank
No route's enough

The passengers around and back
Panic, transmitting really pressure
This is no flight of harmony at all
No peace, no time, no pleasure

Responsibility spoils my nerves
Like a hotshot, well, kind of  crazy
And the mechanics out of control
Are working terribly some lazy

Lots of lights around me blinking
Some good, some ok, and some not
Various perspectives of no of a way
Without finally finding a final plot

Gigantic water stares down under
May kill or as well may be what save
Maybe smooth and mercy to survive
May be hard and cold like a grave

The airplane simply doesn't count anymore
The paramount importance is salvation
Hope, please,  give me the power
Against that dark invasion

Wings of destination are chippy
Wirings are inauspiciously blasting
Pain and fears of inexperience
Seem like for everlasting

I'm on a some way
No idea where to or how
But still alive and breathing
Up here I believe in NOW

HC_B - 30/11/09
[8:14 AM]

You Know I Could

You Know I Could

I know what's beautiful
I know what's some good
I know what lingers
Delicious food

And maybe I should
Because, YES, I could
You know it, I could

And it would be GOOD

But heaven is not
Just about me!
That is not


I know what's lovely
I know what's so sweet
I know when someone 
 Offers the beat

So maybe I should
Because, YES, I could
You know that I could

And it would be GOOD

But heaven is not
Just about me!
That is not


I know what's crazy
I know what's, yum, Gee!
I know what many 
People see

And maybe I should
Because, YES, I could
You know, oh, I could

And it would be GOOD

But heaven is not
Just about me!
That is not


Maybe I am so proudly 
Such a loyal and a little fool
But I want YOU there truly
GOD, right here to rule

HC_B - 01/11/97
[10:30 PM]

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Little Lion

Little Lion

I'm not alone
I'm not with you
I'm feeling homeless

You say you love to see me smile
But you know I actually feel like crying
You say that you see another person now
But it's only a part of the million ones
That make my own person complete
You say: Don't tell me what to do!
But I was only begging and I
Never ever wanted to

I'm of your kind
I understand

I don't want to cry
Because I love to see you love
I don't want to be any other person
Than the only one you passionately desire
Come into my arms and let me feel you begging
So I will  do my very best and I won't let it even be

I want to feel home, my heart
To let you see my serendipitous smile
I want to feel the new red for the old blue
Being your incomplete complete person
I want to feel home as never before 
Home sweet home with you

Don't be anxious, my little lion
Anxious, unsteady  or insecure
You are worth that million
I'm ever so very sure

I'm of your kind
I understand

Come on, be my big lion
And hold my hand

HC_B - 15/06/96
[3:50 PM]

Auge in Auge mit dem Bösen

Auge in Auge mit dem Bösen

Mein Gott, mein Herrscher
Ich knie hernieder, ich flehe dich an
Laß mich tun, was du zu tun vermagst
Und nicht nur, was ich eben kann

Die Hölle öffnet sich vor mir, die Schlucht
Der Teufel will mich in den Abgrund schlagen
Ich kann keine Zukunft mehr ohne Dich
Ohne Deine ganze Liebe haben

Der Teufelskreis schnürt sich
Und auch mir so den ganzen Atem zu
Ich werde meines Lebens nicht mehr glücklich
Wenn ich nicht in deinen Armen ruh‘

Die Offenbarung liegt nahe
Wie im Bösen, wie im Guten
Tausend Sterne, so wie
Tausend Ruten

Sie werden dich verfolgen
Auch werden sie dich schlagen
Sie werden dich verurteilen
Und auch zu Tode plagen

Gott stehe mir bei
Ich leide jene bittere Qual
Warum hast du mich verlassen
So langsam oder auf ein Mal

Ich "weiß", dass du ja weißt
Denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun
Und sie kommen über mich
Wie ein riesen Taifun

Gott, oh, mein gnädiger Gott
Ich habe meine ganze Liebe vertan
Nun sehe ich in die Grimasse des Teufels
In seinen erschreckenden und irren Wahn

Hinfort mein Leben
Hinfort meine Passion
Hinfort das Abendmahl
Nur noch bitterer Hohn

Öffne die Pforten des Himmels
Allmächtiger Herrscher, für mich
Sende eine Armee von Engeln
Mein Gott, ich liebe dich

HC_B - 14/06/09
[4:00 PM]

Only Pray

Only Pray

Too much love to so die
And that not enough to live
What am I supposed to get
And what can I so give

It's so awfully some sad
Not to sing a brighter song
Not to glance much lighter
Only to getting so along

What so can I do
What can I even say
To find peace in you
I guess only pray

Pray for a tomorrow
Bright as the golden sun
Pray for the loveliness
Honesty and fun

HC_B - 25/12/97
[4:00 PM]

Just a Man

Just a Man

I'm just a pilgrim
I'm just some man
I'm doing quite well
The best so that I can

My ambitions are holy
My ambitions are fine
My life doesn't fit
It's a crime

Slowly running
Speaking but stunning
Although I'm born to rise
For to love and surprise

Damned you! - Suspense
The adventure is to be I
I'm near to handle it
Don't know why

What does it mean now
Really, to be strong
Whoever you are
Come along

I am so bored
Just to be adored
I wanna be loved
Jesus! My Lord.

HC_B - 12/10/01
[8:30 PM]



Ich spüre die Fleischeslust
Im reichen ergebenen Haremsgebiet
Im Überfluss der erwählten Weiblichkeit
Untergeben dem vorherrschendem Glied

Ich spüre ein forsches Ziehen
Zu dir hin und in mich tief hinein
Ein Wallen, ein Wollen, ein Brauen
Einen so geballten Sonnenschein

Denn es breitet sich hier und da aus
Bis dort hin zu meinem, ja, Herzen
Und strömt durch meinen Körper
Wie gönnerhafte Schmerzen

Und ich küsse deine Hände
In dieser süssen Erinnerung
Und lecke gierig deine Stirn
Wie die Katze ihren Trunk

Ich bäume meinen Leib deiner 
Verzweifelten Trieblust entgegen
Und ich stumpfe meine Krallen
Liebend dennoch verwegen

Die Lava sie brodelt in dem Innern
Im dem bereit zum Ausbruch Vulkan
Bereit die Wallungen zu verbreiten
Bereit zum einzig wahren Wahn

Mich entzücken diese lebendigen Zuckungen
Deiner Männlichkeit so stark und so fein
Die die Untiefen erkunden möchten
Und gern für immer in mir sein

Ich erfasse, ich erfühle und ich ertaste
Im Taumel und in klarer Trans diese Deine
Vorgeschobene Verletzlichkeit, nackt und frei
Das pralle Leben deiner zwischen Gebeine

Ich ersehne mir deine Stimme rau & stark
Unter dem Seufzen und unter Stöhnen
Erhoffe mir meinen und die Namen
Im Gewöhnen ohne zu gewöhnen

Ich gedenke deinem Ja
So scheu und so zärtlich vage
Ganz sicher ein süsser Höhepunkt
Mithin der rührende Klang einer Frage

In Erinnerung, die Spitzen meiner Finger
Verheissen mir bescheidenes, forciertes Glück
Doch ich wünsche mir diese Wunder
Deiner Leidenschaft zurück

HC_B - 27/06/09
[12:00 PM]

Ego Carpo Diem

Ergo Carpo Diem

None of that! No, shoot! No more of "being" pathetic
For upholding a glimpse of pity, not even or at all
I’m as worth every mighty blooming bit, as 
Colored leaves are adored in the fall

ERGO, fair enough, CARPO DIEM
I know what to do, if and when I don’t
I know how to esteem the you and the me
Whereas you absolutely e’er or n’er won’t

I know how to cherish the birds in the sky
When there’s no sun, only lowering cloud
How to withstand the stupid humiliation
Being water, my friend, in the doubt

Solace finds its solid way
Halfway through discrimination
Painting placidly and blandly a smile
On agony and chummy, gosh!, frustration
NUNC, NOW, TOMORROW and naughty then
I’ll upgrade myself to progress, such legendary PRO
When a better new day or better the better new so life
By gum, Lord JESUS! - When life cursing wants it SO!

I’ll carve, I'll consume, cross my heart, I'll erode at best
I’ll despoil, fleece busily and pursue the holy tricky day
I’ll harry, separate and divide, I tear down at a stretch
Very deliberately getting forth away and a/the way

I’m stepping forward, even backwards and forwards
Time marches on - I wish I could say - it is neck and neck
I’ll begin over again and again and again - if need, so it will be
Give some devils its aimed due and hit right and straight back

And accordingly acting accordingly, by the sunny, oh so, way
Anybody or any body I like is fine, so accordant, also mine
As so you are anybody until I hit my intrinsic other me
DELICIOUSLY, dearly, beloved and DEVINE

HC_B - 05/06/15
[05:15 PM]