Focus & Effort
Silence of ignorance
You’re doing me a mite wrong
You burden me with your weakness
Whereas I have to and used to be strong
I am longing for me to get a sleep
But my mind keeps me waking
My feelings are harmed
Hurt by mistaking
I’ve been brave, you know, I’ve been pretty fine
Enthusiastic, but noble-minded and quixotic
As good as in the minds of one's limitation
Chaotic even eke some neurotic
Fairly and squarely I’ve treated you
Straight-shooting honestly nigh unto now
But any old how you got the wrong end of the stick
Misinterpreted me frigging somewhen, why and somehow
I may have overloaded you occasionally in fact
But nothing but, because you’ve unexplainedly locked
There’s no such ground to end inside of human or any being
Whence behind such-and-such iron curtain angst-ridden you cocked
You put the saddle on the wrong horse as here so to say
For being little weak, little anxious and a little small
Opting for the flight to the elusive comfort zone
Being scared out of your skin and that’s all
What could the world have gained with the right handle of potency
With a licit personal forward-looking and massive hybridization
What could have been the richly gift of yet "Let's do it again"
I know my lessons I do have to learn, don't you?
I may have loved you, I'm very sorry, to some death
But unconditionally, I swear a, “I never meant to” oath
“Knocked up” without any more great hilarious breath
I’m not afraid of intimacy, without port now, ok, any more
Or rather and better really unconditioned, if there is love
Whether to loose nor to win, I’d rather be such an idiot
Than a pigeon without an unfailing sky up above
There’s more solid sensation to give in this inscrutability of existence
Than no better as such a romantic sense datum without a datum
Responsibility bounds care to everyone by hook or by crook
A tiny piece of anything makes a universe and an atom
Life doesn’t impose square for us spin all around
No, life is round 'n' we square it all the closer
GOD is not a fine figure of a planner
GOD is a bloody COMPOSER
HC_B - 11/02/15
[0:13 am/ 12:58 pm]
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