Yes, you were very right
You never had a real chance
I'm better all told in letting go
Saving all my liberty to advance
I gave you a look at my inner world
Just a tiny little once-over to get a clue
You'll take a taste of it on your lips along
Like others before from a vast number a few
My suaveness, my goodness, my sense for to cherish
My innocent sentiments to celebrate your body and soul
My glorious happiness, high spirits, and hilarity to share with
My untouched maidenhood that you got momentarily, just swole
You never meant to be, but boy, you could have been a lucky one
You could have had it all, and much more, more you will ever know
You cold have conquered all you will ever dream of, my loveliness
Something someone hardly ever gets to know, I wouldn't show
I let you go because I wanted you to, you're not enough
You're far from being what I need and what I want
There are things that weigh so severely hard
You grossly violated that wonderful bond
Take my sweetest kisses, even though
I'd rather like to have all of them back
Take my breath that lingered in yours
Echoing and reechoing on my neck
I can handle it to get over you
Go on and place just another bet
Lick the bone dry liquid of aridity
No more juice for you here to get
Oh, wish that I never would get
That very much angry again
I list that I could love as
Truly, as I used to can
Before I was broken
Before I have been left
Before I became prey
And, worse, a theft!
H.C. Thiesgen (Behrens)
Wednesday 12th July 2017
17:17 hrs. ( MET + )
Great Work! :D