Monday, March 5, 2018

The Effort of the Moment

The Effort of the Moment

What did you do all your life?
What have you achieved?
Whom did you serve
Really some well?

Are you happy?
Are you lonesome?
On your way to heaven?
Or just straightaway to hell?

Does it really serve you right to suffer?
Does it really serve you right to be all alone?
Some may probably or definitely think so, "yeah"
Some may "karma-rize" it firsthand to each their own

Does it make any sense right now, in the end or after all?
When all that remains is a living body in an isolated room?
Does a soul sell out itself, betraying its values or principles?
Does tomorrow really becomes yesterday, "now-er", soon?

Who did you become, in your worst moments?
Who did you become in your worst despair?
Who did you do the worst punishment?
Who did you do best and did spare?

Are you aware of the light?
That travels as fast as
It used to do?

The effort 
Of that moment
Bringing you through?

Does it serve you right to suffer?
Does it serve you right to be all alone?
Does it serve anyone such self-abasement?
Does it walk abroad or does it walk you home?

When the hurt is over the sun is smiling along
When the hurt is over silence charms the air
All darkness invites the lights to sparkle
All lightness leads to tender care 

Call me sentimental
When I "fool_ish"
Rather around

Pet name me!
No matter what
Above all ground
And, to the ground

Oh, really? Right!
Okay, then I let it go
Oh, mighty mourning
Oh. Begone! In a row.

March 5th, 2018
10:33 PM (GMT +)

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