Saturday, May 14, 2016

Unbutton the Rectification

Unbutton the Rectification

I tend to overestimate other people a lot
And on the other hand, I sell myself quite short
I give me all, mostly, to give other one's delectation
For me literally is nothing enduring delightful to report

When I forgive judged and forsaken transgressions
I'm condemned, sentenced and ditched for peccadilloes
When I give graynesses some colors may it be enigmatically
I remain misunderstood and nondescript, embracing my pillows

But I'm good, I'm fine, I have a lot of staying power
I furthermore endeavor to go for the pursuit of happiness
Sometimes I am disappointed by the predictabilities of being
And that people don't really surprise me anymore, no bad guess

I miss and could use a great deal of things
Nevertheless, I'm also content with such a few
Other while I need touch in every possible form
If the ignorance and indifference of life only knew

I know there is someone somewhere along the line or any other
As smart, as foolish, ingenuous, free-spirited and visionary as I
And my faith is growing relentlessly, defined and soothing
No matter how much anymore and as time goes by

I love my life with all its mysteries and facts
Even that quasi-senseless, sad and hard it can be
I tunnel my way through uncertainty like a mouldwarp
With the belief that at the end of the tunnel my heart will see

I'm the master of my universe
I'm the master of my feelings inside
I have all greatness and desire to go for
And no reason to give up, give in or hide

Love is my vigorous essence
Love is my purpose and my goal
Makes me weak to be stronger
Love makes me whole

Saturday, May 14, 2016
[21:20 hrs]

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