Emily Post's Yield to Despair
What's wrong today among behavior?
What's wrong with people's manner apart?
It seems like Knigge has bought a farm in the west
And smugness, vanity and egotism are the "nouveau art"
What's wrong with gentleness?
What's wrong with psyching one up?
What's wrong with showing some respect?
Instead of bleeding one white and cupping his cup
Is it some anger?
Seething down inside?
Does the good intention
Make it hence right?
We're all in the same boat
Toward "The Promised Land"
With the crucifixions in our heart
Making us flounder, stumble, and stand
We are vulnerable essence
And a strong nature nevertheless
Let us remember politely and pleasant
And remind one of our suavity and confess
Confess that we so need each other
No matter who, or where, or what or why
Let us confess and "heart-balm" all very heart
In place of being restrained, aloof, low-key or shy
Times need all generosity
Excellence and quality to reassign
Broadmindedness, kindness, and bounty
And what's more some scrupulousness to fine
I'm here for you
I hear what you say
I understand
I pray
I love you and you are truly amazing
An amazing angel, wonderful in every way
I'm so proud of you, grateful for you being born
A dear friend making the world a better place to stay
And nothing ever else matters
True blood lingering in this vein
Presence's gift for the future
Is healthy and sane
June 5, 2016
[18:05 hrs]
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