Manus Manum Lavat
You better let the past go
Give the chance a tomorrow
The face you see now doesn't fit
You deserve more than it, no sorrow
I know you hope, and bet, and trust
The things you know, you "have"
There is much more to fill in
To better on your behalf
I can see it in her eyes
What you wouldn't at all
There isn't what you need
It's not to last, the final call
I can't reach you, and, I won't
Cling to your coat-tails anymore
I'm here to be conquered over again
Although not as easily as that time afore
I am as rich as you are, "manus manum lavat"
I'm just having something different at my disposal
I can wait, I have the fortune smiling upon me, to gain
A considerable, concrete and not non-structural proposal
Here you are, here you go, spinning around in your catch-22
Though, I don't blame you, take your time, nevertheless be aware
Time goes by so quickly, and, it never comes back anymore, in any sort
Choose wisely, choose yourself, choose unit, but beware of whom you care
I'll be here, no matter what, or why
I'll endure every drought, any thought
I'll live my life straight forward, any speed
Aim for what I want and not for what I ought
It has taken a long time to get me where I am
It will take some another to get me where I will
I'm peaceful, I'm ready, and I'm pretty adorable
Maybe you will forget, but remember me, still
I am your treasure, I am your fountain
Discover me, druther start right away
"You better be safe than sorry", plus
As likely as not, eventually I stay
Wed Nov 8th 2017
20:25 hrs. ( MET )